Estados Unidos de Israel

The Zionist Billionaires Who Control Political Discourse (September 21, 2010)
The Truth Seeker - Israel backs Georgia in Caspian Oil Pipeline ...
U.S. Attacks Russia Through Client State Georgia Je ...

Senate report exposes key role of the Israel lobby in fomenting war with Iran
Obama Capitulates – to the Israel lobby
Uri Avnery: Obama, Israel and AIPAC- [ Traduzir esta página ]
Of one thing I am certain: Obama's declarations at the AIPAC conference are very, very bad for peace. And what is bad for peace is bad for Israel,
AFP: Obama defende Israel e promete 'eliminar' ameaça iraniana- [ Translate this page ]
"Não há ameaça maior para Israel e para a paz e a estabilidade na região que o Irã", considerou Obama diante dos congressistas da AIPAC, principal lobby - Similar pages - Note this
O lobby judaico e a política americana « Velle est Posse- [ Translate this page ]
Na vanguarda do lobby está o American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) que trabalha sobretudo no congresso americano. - 44k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Notícias - Lobby judeu, pilar do apoio político e financeiro dos ...- [ Translate this page ]
Esse "lobby" aspira a ser uma alternativa ao todo-poderoso Aipac, ... Batalha entre Obama e Hillary tem novo round em Indiana e Carolina do Norte
True Torah Jews comment on Obama Harassed by Zionists article
True Torah Jews review a news article on 'Obama Harassed by Zionists' and comment on their position. ... Obama has repeatedly stated that he and his advisors currentarticle.cfm?id=117 - Cached
Obama Harassed by Zionists - Window Into Palestine
Filed under: American Politcs, Barack Obama, Israel, United States, Zionist Author: ... where Jews backed Sen. Obama. TRUE TORAH JEWS: We are embarrassed by - 208k - Cached
True Torah Jews comment on Zionists Continue to Doubt Obama's Loyalty ...
True Torah Jews review a news article on 'Zionists
Nova Desordem Mundial: A Politica do Apocalipse
e eu que pensava que andava a ver coisas....
«os bons não se escondem»
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