Saturday, October 09, 2004

Who Will take Over the World?

Once upon a time,the Soviet Union seemed poised to steamroll Europe.It was blatantly obvious who was behind all our political,economic and personal troubles.The Communists were convenient scapegoats for everythnig.All they needed to do was to march in and take over without firing a shot.
But as the Millennium approached,a strange phenomenon took place.The USSR collapsed and split up.Looking back,the West began to wonder how on earth they could ever have been anxious about the Russians in the first place.The nation of Aeroflot,a nation which,to an outsider,seemed to pride themselves as much on their vodka consumption as on a stable market economy,seemed to pose little threat for world domination.And just to put the icing on the cake,both Britain and the US had show their true colours during the Gulf War and had proven that,if necessary,they could get together a million-strong army in a matter of days.
After the fall of the USSR,conspiracy theorists had to revise their world view somewhat.Of course,the whole thing could have been just a crafty Soviet plot,but the odd sceptic began to ask who was most likely to dominate the world.Once things are conveniently out of control,a State of Emergency will be declared and hell will break loose.The following are two main threats:

1.Alien Nation.A super-secret government within the American government called MJ-12 has aparently been presiding over the ´alien question ´since the days of President Dwight Eisenhower.MJ-12 has been keeping all sorts of information from us,including alien abductions,cattle mutilations and crashed saucers.If that wasn´t bad enough,a whole host of secret deals were cast with one or more alien races.The theory goes that rapid technological advancements since the 1950s came not from the billions of dollars spent on scientific research but from donated technology from spacemen.Some would have it that cattle mutilations and assaults are in fact a manifestation of a long-term experiment to turn humans into cattle to act as a host for genetically manufactured aliens.Moreover,William Cooper,an alleged former intelligence officer in the US government,has claimed that if the secret should get out,MJ-12 has a plan to round up all sorts of people and send them off to concentration camps.Apparently this was the real reason behind the JFK assassination,as Kennedy had apparently known about the conspiracy and was about to make an announcement to the nation.

2.Illuminati.The whole institution of the Illuminati is surrounded in mistery,not least of all because no one really knows what is it made up of.We do know that there are many different Illuminati groups,all with different kinds of secret knowledge,which take over all kinds of organizations ranging from top chain supermarkets to radio and television broadcasting agencies to Mrs boggins teashop round the corner.For the last several hundred years,they have been condemned by governments and religions as being linked to conspiracies for one-world government.
The plan for worldwide control was formulated over two hundred years ago by a group of leading European bankers made up of a dozen or so rich families,led by money lenders and industrialists.It was initiated in Bavaria by a professor named Adam Weishaupt.His theories revolved around the ideal of utopic democracy which,he felt,could only be achieved by means of a one-world government.The conspiracy has infiltrated much of the history of the Western world,and includes the Bilderbergers,the Club of Rome,the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.The Illuminati have always been closely linked to the Freemasons and,indeed,the start of the cult involved domination of the upper ranks of Continental Freemasonry.
The Illuminati still attempt to recruit students with exceptional mental ability coming from affluent backgrounds.They then convince them that men of above-average inteligence have the right to rule the world simply because the masses do not know what is good for them,physically,economically or spiritually.Their aims,however,are no longer quite so philanthropic.
Mrs Boggins teashop down the road may look innocuous enough,but remember that she could be one of THEM.Their superior technological know-how,means that they have more than enough expertise to carry out their projects for absolute domination.Their primary aims are the complete extinction of independence and the establishment of mindless obedience to the party line(as in George Orwels "1984").To keep themselves amused,they commit petty crimes to cause as much confusion as possible.
Their plan is for a one-world government to be made up of a key dictator,with his government of a few billionaries,Communists and scientists who have show loyalty to the cause.The rest of us are to be completely enslaved to this elite.


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